Rock my network was nothing that I was expecting. I cannot imagine being apart of so many different social networking sites. I cant even handle facebook and twitter! They both take up so much of my time as it is, I would never be able to get anything done with more sites. It was interesting to see in the end how the author found someone which was what she was looking for the whole time basically. It was definitely an interesting article.

Next, we are to discuss how/if technologies helped connect our us to our writing, place and class. I would have to say that yes, using these different technologies helped in all three areas. First, in my writing, I was able to learn about different styles of writing, ex found poem and haiku. I liked being able to express myself with different genres. Next, with my place, well in my twitterive I used some youtube clips, I made my own video, and uploaded pictures. I used different technologies to show the audience my place so they could understand the value or it. Finally, to my class,, technology definitely helped me to interact with the clas.s. I sit in a row all alone and dont talk to anyone in the class ever. Twitter has allowed me to talk to some of the girls and phil once in a while when I dont speak face to face with them in class. It is a way to talk to them even though I am shy and no one wants to sit with me :(

My blog and twitterive are pretty close to representing my real identity. As you can see in my twitterive, I hate being at Rowan. I get very emotional and upset when I am here and all I want to do is go home. I feel like i portray that very well in my twitterive and on twitter. I try to seem a little more upbeat on things that I know my classmates may read so in a way I am faking my online identity, but for the most part thats who I really am, an emotional wreck who hates Rowan Univertisy and loves Ocean City, my home.

1. At the end of my prologue I told you the place so you didnt have to guess, should I do that?

2. The story is about me with a few exaggerations, but I write in third person, should I keep that or write "I" instead?

3. Did the different multigenres I used help tell the story? Are there any I should take out?

4. Did the story make sense in the order I chose?

5. Can you tell what my place is? Does it seem consistent?

6. Does it end well?
For class we are doing a Heavy Weight Rock Paper Scissors event in class and we all were assigned certain parts. I am supposed to be a fan writing a letter to "boxer 2"

Dear Phil, 

    Hi, My name is Brittany and I am one of your biggest fans. I am 8 years old and I am on love with rock-paper-scissors! I play it all the time and I try to play just like you do. I was listening to the radio when I first heard about you. They were talking about how you were going to be at the local super market playing Cootie Caitlyn. You beat her ten times in a row! From then I knew you were my hero. I went to all of your events even and watched you win. I heard you are going to be performing in a professional match! Of course I am going to be there on the sidelines cheering for you. 
    I saw you the other day while I was with my mom in the super market and I waved to you and told you I liked your gray beanie, you smiled and said thanks. It made my heart melt. 
    I know it is probably a lot to ask, but I was wondering if you could send me an autograph. I want to hang it on my wall next to your poster. It would mean to much to me. With this letter, i included a self address, stamped envelope so you dont even have to pay for it! 
    I really would love to hear from you soon, I will see you at your match on Thursday. I can't wait to scream at the top of my lungs and cheer for you, after all i am your BIGGEST FAN!!!
    Thank you for taking the time out of your busy training to read this letter. Good luck against Dee Light!

Love Always,

Today in class we met with groups to discuss our twitterive. Going into this discussion I was kind of lost and didn't know where I was going to go with my idea. After answering some of the questions and hearing their ideas I was a little bit more confused with the idea they had but I was vague with them so it was my fault. In the end we came up with an idea for me. Here goes..

Who are the characters: Me

What connection/disconnection do you/characters feel about the place: I start and end my day here, whether I am at home or at school.

When does this story take place: One full day / happening now

Where does this story take place: It starts and ends in my bed.

Why does the story take place: I spend a lot of time here, this is where I do the most thinking.

How does this story take place: this one was kind of tricky to answer, but I decided that I am most comfortable in my bed, I do the most thinking there, I love spending time there.

When we finished discussing, the group tried to help me come up with a story idea because beforehand I only had my bed as a theme. I told them about how I noticed I am always tweeting about how comfortable my bed is, how I can’t wait to go to bed, or something relating to my room/bed. They decided I could do something about how I spend most of my time in my room. I liked their idea, but I was kind of lost as to where I could go with it so I kept thinking and I shot them an idea. I asked them what they thought of me doing a story about someone’s daily routine. They wake up in their bed, and go throughout their day, and end up back where they started, in bed. They liked the idea, they thought I could go take naps throughout the day so the bed is still in the story a lot. I am pleased with this feedback!

I am glad we got to meet with the groups because now I have a solid idea and I know I can start working on the assignment more and really develop it.

Creative writing is something that I never used to like, but in the last few years I have really started to love it. Right now I am taking Creative Writing 2, Writing Children's Stories, and Journalistic Writing along with this Writing Research and Technology class. Therefore I am constantly writing different things this semester. Writing different things in each of these classes has helped me to notice different genres.

In this class we have read different types of readings and we also wrote poems and short stories. In my first microfiction, I used a line from Anzaluda's writing. My short story was NOTHING like hers. Honestly, I didnt even really like my microfiction with the line I used, looking back on it I know I could have done better with it, but it still worked for the assignment.

My microfictions are completely done at random. They have nothing to do with my twitterive. I have just started thinking of what I really wanted to do with it. The microfictions helped me to work on the length so I know I can now write a microfiction about the topic I am planning on doing.

We also did a haiku, which again, had nothing to do with my twitterive. Really, it was just random as well! I wish that i had used different words when writing the lines of the micro fictions so that the haiku would have been better. I wish I used more descriptive words so it would be a better haiku.

The only thing that I have done this far that is worthy of being in my twitterive would be my found poem. By doing this assignment I noticed that I tweet about my bed, sleeping, having a bad day, napping, etc. all the time! That made me think that maybe I will do my twitterive about my favorite place, my bed. Haha! I think it will be a fun thing to write about.

Writing these different types of genres is going to really help when I write my twitterive since we have to use different types of genres. Although the ones I have written so far are on a random topic, it gives me ideas about what different things I can include.
For this blog we were asked to write a haiku using words from our microfiction stories. Here goes!

I have a few drinks
He asked me to marry him
I'm holding back tears

Next is my found poem which has to include at least 10 of my tweets:

    This weather is really making me unhappy lately,

                                           Back to school unfortunately.
                                           I hate being here                       

          Mmm coffee and a cinnamon scone,

Feeling down in the dumps today
for some reason;

                                        So bored in class right now. 

Really tired today, cant wait to get into my comfortable bed here at school

                                                 Today kinda sucked,
                                             but at least it is almost over

    My comforter has dog hair

            Finally bed time to dream about awesome things;

I hate when I finally fall asleep
and then the train
passes by my apartment.

       Fleas, a new puggle, bike getting stolen,
                                              then almost getting killed..
                                                                  my dreams

I hate when I finally fall asleep and then the train passes by my apartment. Ugh rowan..Today kinda sucked, but at least it is almost over..Finally bed time to dream about awesome my birthday in 72 days :) sweet dreams!..Really tired today, cant wait to get into my comfortable bed here at school :)..Last one! My comforter has dog hair all over it from the time we snuck my puggle up for the night :)..This weather is really making me unhappy lately :(..Feeling down in the dumps today for some reason :(..Back to school unfortunately. i hateee being here..So bored in class right now :(..Mmm coffee and a cinnamon scone :)..Fleas, a new puggle, bike getting stolen, then almost getting dreams last night. So weird

For this assignment we are asked to write two microfictions, which are stories with about 250 words. We were asked to pick a line from Anzaldua's work and one tweet and write a microfiction for each. They are pretty cheesy but it was hard to come up with a story so short.

The line I used from Anzaldua was: "You want me telling every single one of your neighbors what you've been doing all these years?"

I was working behind the counter at the bar when the dark haired, blue-eyed, handsome man walked in. He asked politely for a glass of jack and coke. I had time to relax so I walked over and began talking to this man. We seemed to have a lot in common but once things started getting interesting, a crowd rolled in and I had to get back to work. This man came in at the same time every Tuesday. He came to have a few drinks and to spend time with me until my shift was over. Eventually we began spending more time together and started dating. After about three years of dating I had gotten to know him pretty well. We got a small apartment together and got to know our neighbors very well. They loved him because he was always willing to help the neighbors with anything. However, one day I found out that he has been sneaking away on the weekends because he had a kid with a previous girlfriend. He kept this secret from me and all the neighbors but when I found out I said to him, “You want me telling every single one of your neighbors what you've been doing all these years? You kept such a big secret from all of us; don’t you think we want to meet him? Our neighbors have kids too; your son would have fun here.” From that day on, his son came to visit quite frequently and the neighbors loved him.

My tweet was: Its funny how I was just sooo happy and now I'm holding back tears.

Today was a new day; I was ready to face the world. I showered and got ready and headed into work. This was the last place I wanted to be today because it was my four year anniversary with my boyfriend. However, it was kind of cool because work was where I met him in the first place. I got to work and was doing my thing, wrapping boxes filled with salt water taffy. The day was dragging and all I wanted to do was go home and spend time with my boyfriend. Lunch time finally rolled around and I looked over at the window and saw my boyfriend standing there with flowers. It was the cutest thing that had ever happened to me. I walked out to see him and he gave me the flowers and then got down on one knee. He asked me to marry him, I couldn’t believe it. Unfortunately, my break was over and I had to go back to work and hold my excitement in until I got home. While I was working I received a text message from my friend telling me that her sister was in a car accident. It was funny how I was just so happy and at that moment I was holding back my tears. I had to leave work right away and make sure she was alright. This was such a hectic, rollercoaster of emotions, kind of day. Thank goodness she was okay so I could return back to my engagement excitement!

The first reading, Billy the Kid seemed to confuse me a bit. I wasnt sure if Sallie was a real person or a ghost. In the beginning I thought she was alive and then in the middle I was a little confused but then the narrator mentioned the blue in her veins which led me to believe she was alive, but hey, I could still be confused. Anyway, what I enjoyed most about this reading was the descriptions. As I mentioned in previous blogs, description makes the reading much easier. I felt like I was sitting in the house with the characters. I could picture the white dress on Sallie and i could see the brightness of the sun then fading to a dark blue, then a little more sunlight until night arrived. I also liked the parallel between Sallie and the birds in their cages. They each liked being in the quiet darkness.
The second reading was a group of Micro Fictions. I liked these short stories, they were all quite different. I learned about flash fiction in my creative writing 2 class and it seems pretty similar to micro fiction. These stories are short and they generally only involve one scene and a few characters. It kind of seemed that these stories all had a character who was unhappy, or hurting in some way. I like micro fictions becuase they are more to the point, you dont have to search as deep. The first reading made me laugh when they were talking about TB shots and the other characters must have thought they said TV and I could just picture the confusion!