The first reading, Billy the Kid seemed to confuse me a bit. I wasnt sure if Sallie was a real person or a ghost. In the beginning I thought she was alive and then in the middle I was a little confused but then the narrator mentioned the blue in her veins which led me to believe she was alive, but hey, I could still be confused. Anyway, what I enjoyed most about this reading was the descriptions. As I mentioned in previous blogs, description makes the reading much easier. I felt like I was sitting in the house with the characters. I could picture the white dress on Sallie and i could see the brightness of the sun then fading to a dark blue, then a little more sunlight until night arrived. I also liked the parallel between Sallie and the birds in their cages. They each liked being in the quiet darkness.
The second reading was a group of Micro Fictions. I liked these short stories, they were all quite different. I learned about flash fiction in my creative writing 2 class and it seems pretty similar to micro fiction. These stories are short and they generally only involve one scene and a few characters. It kind of seemed that these stories all had a character who was unhappy, or hurting in some way. I like micro fictions becuase they are more to the point, you dont have to search as deep. The first reading made me laugh when they were talking about TB shots and the other characters must have thought they said TV and I could just picture the confusion!