For this blog we were asked to write a haiku using words from our microfiction stories. Here goes!

I have a few drinks
He asked me to marry him
I'm holding back tears

Next is my found poem which has to include at least 10 of my tweets:

    This weather is really making me unhappy lately,

                                           Back to school unfortunately.
                                           I hate being here                       

          Mmm coffee and a cinnamon scone,

Feeling down in the dumps today
for some reason;

                                        So bored in class right now. 

Really tired today, cant wait to get into my comfortable bed here at school

                                                 Today kinda sucked,
                                             but at least it is almost over

    My comforter has dog hair

            Finally bed time to dream about awesome things;

I hate when I finally fall asleep
and then the train
passes by my apartment.

       Fleas, a new puggle, bike getting stolen,
                                              then almost getting killed..
                                                                  my dreams

I hate when I finally fall asleep and then the train passes by my apartment. Ugh rowan..Today kinda sucked, but at least it is almost over..Finally bed time to dream about awesome my birthday in 72 days :) sweet dreams!..Really tired today, cant wait to get into my comfortable bed here at school :)..Last one! My comforter has dog hair all over it from the time we snuck my puggle up for the night :)..This weather is really making me unhappy lately :(..Feeling down in the dumps today for some reason :(..Back to school unfortunately. i hateee being here..So bored in class right now :(..Mmm coffee and a cinnamon scone :)..Fleas, a new puggle, bike getting stolen, then almost getting dreams last night. So weird
